I headed to Oakland this morning for a meeting of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission. I am Santa Clara County’s representative on the commission, which disburses state and federal money for local transportation projects and oversees regional transportation planning for the Bay Area.
The issue of the day was how to divide up $419 million in regional transportation funding that the Bay Area will receive through Proposition 1B. The current proposal puts about 41 percent of the money into Urban Core Transit Improvements. These funds will be used to improve transportation in densely populated areas, including many parts of in Santa Clara County.
The next largest sum of money under the proposal will be to improve “Lifeline” transportation, which serves residents living in low-income areas who might have trouble accessing public transit. The proposal has also set aside money to improve smaller transit systems in the Bay Area and purchase zero-emission buses to aid in maintaining good air quality in the region.
Because I had to commute to Oakland for the commission meeting, I unfortunately had to leave the bike at home and carpool with a colleague.
However, I still found time to run during my usual lunchtime. I decided to start running from the Santa Clara Golf and Tennis Club. Managed by the City of Santa Clara, the club includes an 18-hole golf course, tennis courts, and connections to local trails, including the San Tomas Aquino/Saratoga Creek Trail. Anyone looking for exercise is sure to find a workout there.
With budget workshops all next week, I am spending the rest of the afternoon meeting with community leaders and my staff to find ways to keep as many vital services as possible. Later tonight, I will be attending a meeting of the West Valley Sanitation District, followed by the Guadalupe River Park & Gardens’ Window on the River reception.