I hit the bike lanes today to kick off National Bike Month. Bike to Work Day is May 17, and I am bicycling to work for the entire month of May as part of the Team Bike Challenge.
We named our team the Rainbow Riders. Members of each team ride their bikes as much as possible during the month, and teams score points for bicycling to work or school and on errands. Teams receive extra points for having a “Big Wheel,” a member of the team who is an elected official, business executive or member of the media. I am happy to help my teammates by being their “Big Wheel.”
I was surprised to find that biking to the County Government Center was just as easy as driving. My ride took about 15 minutes from my house, about the same amount of time it would take me to drive.
My bike locker is almost as close to my office as my parking space, so I made it to the Board of Supervisors meeting with time to spare, and I enjoy the exercise, too.